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Image by Jeremy Bishop

What is bioenergetic testing?

 All things from the smallest invisible particles to visible objects vibrate and have their own unique energy frequency. During a bio-resonance scan, the testing machine sends signatures through the test plate (where your samples reside) and the response is measured through electrode signals. This allows us to communicate with your innate God-given intelligence. The unique energy frequencies can show organ systems in your body that are under stress, food sensitivities, nutritional imbalances, environmental toxin exposures, pathogens, mold/mycotoxins, heavy metals, hormonal imbalances, emotional imbalances, balancing protocols/therapies, & more. These frequencies reveal what your body needs for innate wellness and healing (healing that our bodies were created to do naturally), which is something no other conventional or functional medicine test can do. *This does not diagnose or treat disease; it restores balance in the body. 

Who is it for?

Just about anyone! Bio-resonance testing can benefit people with numerous health goals. It can be used as a general wellness tool to look for and correct subtle imbalances in the body so you can look and feel optimal, to help find root causes of symptoms of particular health issues (including "complex" health issues like autoimmunity), for women and/or men to get their body in the optimal condition for conceiving a child, to rebalance the body after pregnancy/birth/breastfeeding, to find and address causes of premature aging, and so much more! It's also a great option for children as it is non-invasive, meaning no needles or blood draws are required.  It is also more affordable than functional medicine labs.

How does it work?

 You will need to provide the following samples: hair, fingernail clippings, a q-tip swab of saliva, and a q-tip with urine. You will receive an email with instructions on how to mail your samples. Once your samples are shipped, your results should be available in around 7-10 business days. Once your results are available, you can schedule a virtual appointment to meet with me to go over the results and rebalancing protocols associated with the results. 


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